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Monday, March 9, 2015

Psalm 151 - Lyrics/Download - Titi Aboderin


Oh what a glorious day!
The day I met with my Saviour
As I walked up to that altar
Tears streaming down my face
What a load off my shoulders
And a spring in my step
Knowing that now
I rest secure and content in the bossom of my Maker

Who can compare to You oh Lord?
You who pay the ultimate price
That I may obtain salvation
Words alone cannot  describe
The depth of my gratitude
My Confidant
My Comforter
My Encourager
My Guide
Each time,
I gaze deep into Your tender loving eyes
My balance is restored
You and You alone give meaning to this pilgrimmage journey of life
You shed light into this dark world
And bring understanding in this precarious maze
As we wade through your light shines so bright
Urging us to follow in Your footsteps
Your wisdom, an infallible tool to guide us back
Back to our eternal home
praise the Lord

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